Declutter Your Routine: Smart Tips for Effective Organization

September is an ideal time to start afresh: the kids go back to school, summer is coming to an end and it brings the anticipation of renewed energy! Early Autumn is the ideal time to set objectives and adopt new habits.
So here is some motivation to kickstart an all improved you and set yourself up for success!
My children returned to school yesterday and to mark the occasion I wanted to share a 4 part series on how to get ahead of the game & focus on some new goals this September. Who needs to wait for January?? So today’s topic is…..
Getting Organised!
As you are already aware I am true advocate of less is more.
Having a long to do list is very frustrating – they do not simplify things, they actually clutter life up. The fact that the long list you have rarely gets everything ticked off, makes you inevitably overwhelmed and anxious.
Here are our suggestions to start making your life that little bit simpler and more organised this September:
Three is the magic number! Not only is it achievable, it will also spur you to get more jobs done as that sense of overwhelm is not there. The list should not include recurring chores, such as making the bed. These have to be on off actions like booking an appointment or reviewing your budget.
Every day take 5 mins to do a brain dump. Find the time of day that most suits you – it may be before bed or in the afternoon with a cuppa! Grab a pen and paper and write down everything that is on your mind from ‘to-dos’ to worries or things you need to think about some more. This will make you feel that little big ‘lighter’ knowing that you have them written down somewhere. You may even find you have some recurring set backs that you may want to tackle separately, such as struggling for kids meal ideas.
Instead of panicking that you have no food in the house for your evening meal or looking at ingredients blankly with no idea what to create….. start planning your meals! Take 15 mins on a Sunday to map out your weekly meals and then create your shopping list from there. This has multiple benefits – you can save money, save time and eat more healthily. Win, Win, Win in my eyes! Check out this blog post on how to plan your weekly meals.
The brain dump helps me organize my thoughts and get started with all I need to accomplish without all of the mental distractions. Love this!
April@LoveOurRealLifethanks so much! It certainly helps you think straight!
Naya @ Lactivist in Louboutins
I love this idea! I’m trying to figure out what to do with all of my free time now that my kids are in school. I love your idea of a daily brain dump!! Thanks for sharing.
Naya @ Lactivist in Louboutinsmy pleasure! hopefully this brain dump will help you think of some ideas to do in your free time