
Getting Others on Board with Organization: 5 Practical Tips

Organising a space, whether it's a home, office, or any other shared area, can be a challenging task, especially when multiple people are involved. The dynamics of different personalities, preferences, and habits can make the process even more complex. However, the key to successful organisation lies in collaboration and understanding. Today, I'll share five practical tips to help you get everyone on board with your organisation efforts.  1. Make it a Team Effort When organising spaces that predominantly belong to someone else, it's essential t[...]


Get More Done in Less Time by Reframing this One Word 


Let's delve into a transformative approach to productivity—one that can help you accomplish more while actually doing less. The word "productivity" often conjures up a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, from being overwhelmed with tasks to the constant pressure for results. But what if we could reframe our understanding of this loaded term to make our lives better?  The Traditional View of Productivity When you hear the word "productivity," what comes to mind? Is it a never-ending to-do list, the pressure to be constantly fruitful, or perhaps th[...]


3 Strategies to Instantly Declutter Your Mind

Declutter Your Mind

Clutter is not always something that is tangibly seen or touched, such as the stack of papers on your desk or the pile of clothes on your bed. Sometimes, the most significant clutter exists deep within the recesses of your mind, concealed yet persistently disruptive. This mental clutter often takes the form of thoughts, feelings, emotions, and even the ever-growing to-do lists that incessantly occupy our consciousness.  Consider the constant parade of thoughts that stream through your mind, draining your energy, usurping your time, and overpopulating[...]


How to Stop Impulse Buying & Shop More Intentionally 

Impulse buying: it's a term we're all too familiar with, and a habit many of us have fallen victim to. In essence, impulse buying involves making unplanned purchases on a whim or as a reaction to sudden urges. It might appear harmless, particularly when it's an inconsequential item, but over time, this behaviour can adversely impact our financial health and fill our homes with unwanted clutter.  If you're seeking to break free from the grip of impulse buying, the following tips can help you cultivate more mindful, intentional shopping habits:  &nb[...]


Where to Start Decluttering 

Starting to declutter can feel particularly overwhelming and challenging. That is because it's not just about physical clutter, but emotional baggage as well, making it feel daunting and emotionally charged. Each item you need to declutter could carry a memory, a hope, or a regret, which often stirs up emotions and makes the decision process more complex. When you're already feeling overwhelmed because of the level of clutter in your home, adding the task of making tough decisions about what to keep and what to discard can feel like a mountain that's too[...]


Navigating the Daunting Task of Decluttering When Feeling Overwhelmed

I want you to imagine standing right at the foot of a mountain, but this mountain is a bit unusual. It's not made of rocks and earth but things—lots of them. It's the clutter in your life, manifesting itself as a towering obstacle. It's an intimidating sight, isn't it? You're overwhelmed, and that's perfectly okay. But I promise you, once you conquer this mountain, once you have tidied up, the sense of relief and spaciousness you'll experience is incomparable.  Starting might seem like the hardest part. But I'm here with you, offering my hand. L[...]


The Art of Organised Travel: Transforming Your HOLIDAY Experience

Organised Travel

Usually when we think of our holidays, we often conjure up images of carefree exploration, thrilling adventures, or serene relaxation. Yet, we sometimes forget that behind these experiences, often lies a foundation of careful organisation that turns your dream holidays into reality. I am currently planning for a big family holiday to California. We are going in the Summer with myself, my husband, two girls and my sister in law and her family. Now I am not going to lie, this holiday is a big one for us - perhaps even a once in a lifetime experience - a[...]


6 Steps to Declutter your Kitchen 

Does the thought of starting to declutter a kitchen fill you with dread? Don't worry, you are not alone! Decluttering your kitchen can seem like a daunting task, but it's a necessary step to creating a more organized and functional space. Not only will it make cooking and meal prep easier, but it can also save you time and money in the long run. Here are some tips for decluttering your kitchen and getting it organized. 6 STEPS to DECLUTTER your kitchen STEP 1: REMOVE EVERYTHING AND SORT INTO PILES First and foremost, take everything out of[...]


4 Steps to Declutter your Social Media

Declutter Social Media

A great place to start decluttering? Declutter your social media! When I say I am doing some digital decluttering, I don't necessarily mean the file deleting, photo organising type of decluttering that you probably first think of – you can also declutter your social media channels too. I don’t have an incredibly large social media presence, but I am on it a lot for marketing my businesses - so sometimes it can feel too much.... It can quite overwhelming being constantly bombarded with information from different channels about things I dont really care about an[...]


3 Surprising Mental Health Benefits of Minimalism

Have you heard of the mental health benefits of minimalism? Believe it or not - they exist! When we experience anxiety, even the smallest of tasks can feel overwhelming and for many people clutter is a big trigger for anxiety..... Looking at the things in the home that need sorting, tidying, cleaning and the things in our life that need our presence, our focus and our time.... that can make you feel lost (I have definitely been there!) For me, I can be fine one minute and then look up and be completely overwhelmed by everything that needs to get done or start gett[...]