Self Care & Love For Your Wellbeing

Are you a natural giver with a caring nature and always want to help others? Do you feel depleted, overwhelmed and forgotten about? Then you are lacking some serious self care! Instead of giving 100% to everyone else, lets try to save some of your kindness for yourself and watch your wellbeing sky rocket. After all, you deserve it!
You are everything to everyone
Everyone loves and admires your caring nature and how willing you are to help. You are a loyal friend, a devoted mother & partner and a valuable employee. Don’t get me wrong these are all positive qualities to have and it will make you feel warm and fuzzy inside!
But…. how long will that last? Devoting most of your time to others around you will make you start to feel overloaded and drained. Consistent neglect leads to burn out – which we DO NOT want.
Self care is a basic human need
Why when it is so valuable and important to your wellbeing, do you put self care to the bottom of the priority list? Without it you are struggling day to day and this in turn makes you unable to do the things you love – caring for others! If you want to be there for those who need you the most, you need to spend time on yourself.
It is essential.
invest in Simple acts of self care
It doesnt have to be a huge planned event that you see as a stress and a challenge. Actually the best way to boost your wellbeing is to invest in small and simple acts of self care. Small, regular self care moments focusing on your mental, physical, and spiritual needs make a huge difference in the long term.
Fill your own cup first
Once you find these simple strategies that you find fun and easy to fit in your lifestyle – you will see yourself flourish! Notice how you will feel more calm, confident, resilient and joyful? When your own cup is filled first your natural positivity & calming presence will not only empower yourself but it is infectious to others.
Simple ideas to nurture yourself everyday
- Try turning up your favourite tune at the weekend and dance around the kitchen!
- Take 10 minutes and use an app to guide you through a meditation
- Go for a long walk, put a podcast or audio book on and get lost in your surroundings
- Write your thoughts and feelings down in a journal letting them flow from pen to paper
- Have an early night with a good book, a candle and a glass of wine – bliss!
Krystal Sadler
I love your self-care list. There is nothing a good book, a candle, and a glass of wine can’t fix!
Krystal Sadlerhaha I completely agree!
These are wonderful ideas! I am definitely the type of person that could use more of this. Thank you for sharing!
CarmelaI am so pleased you found it inspiring!
Jennifer Maune | Maune Legacy
I love that self-care is becoming a “thing” now! I agree that you have to fill your own cup first. You can’t pour from an empty cup!
Jennifer Maune | Maune Legacyme too! I am a huge advocate for it. I was a big culprit for not doing it at all until i reached burn out – now i schedule it just like a doctors appointment.
Joanna Clute
It can be easy to feel guilty, especially as a mother, for taking personal care time because it feels like a splurge. However, it’s vital you take the time to refuel!
Joanna CluteYes! It is so important to take time – it makes you more efficient and motivated which is a huge bonus!
My cup really needs to be filled! I need to work on doing a better job of self-care. Thanks for reminding me.
JaymeMake it a priority! You will be amazed at how much more motivated you will be. Let me know how it goes x