Healthy Habits for a Calmer You

Now that we are into a New Year, you might want to consider creating some healthy habits and new rituals for a calmer, more contented you. After all, who doesn’t want that?
Think of someone who is successful and happy and you can be sure that they will have a handful of healthy habit or rituals that they live by.
But why are these healthy habits so important?
They can aid the mind to focus, concentrate, reduce anxiety and essentially help you succeed. Anyone can adopt their own bank of rituals to help them lead a more contended life – so why not you?
Start by considering the parts of your day or your week that bother you, stress you out or simply could be better. Perhaps you are always rushed in the morning or you feel like you could be more productive on your daily commute?
Next, create some healthy habits! Ones that are achievable with a little effort and that you won’t want to break. Write them down and commit to them. Here are some ideas to get you started!
Let’s make your mornings easier!
· PLAN AHEAD: help save time and avoid last minute panic or indecision by preparing your outfit and make your lunch the night before.
· DON’T SNOOZE: try moving your alarm clock to the other side of the room so you have to get out of bed to turn it off. If it is beside your bed it can be far too tempting to hit the snooze button and have a few more z’s. This can have the detrimental effect of you feeling more tired during the day.
· START WITH A POSITIVE MINDSET: start the day by writing down a list of all the things you are grateful for. Then try writing down your intentions for the day, and go out and make them happen!
· MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR COMMUTE: why not try inspiring yourself in the morning by listening to a positive or inspirational podcast to get you in the right mood? Turn a usually quiet and mundane commute into something more uplifting.
Let’s make your weekends amazing!
· CREATE A FAMILY CALENDAR: If your weekends are usually packed with kids activities, try having a family calendar to keep all the activities in one place – keeping you all more organised!
· UNPLUG: instead of sitting on your phone, why not start reading that book you have been wanting to read for so long? Or go outside for a nice walk instead?
· BOOK IN SOCIAL EVENTS: if it’s in your calendar it is more likely to happen. Try organising events in advance with family and friends so you don’t go too long without having a catch up. Instead of sending messages back and forth try using websites such as, where everyone can put in their availability on an online calendar and make meeting suggestions.
· DO ONE THING TO MAKE LIFE EASIER: perhaps you have had some things in the house that need to go back into the garage or you need to buy a new storage basket for something in your kitchen, just choose one thing to do that will make something easier in your home or life.
· GO SOMEWHERE YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN BEFORE: a change is as good as a rest! Either try something new or go somewhere different. You could even turn this into one of the social activities with your family and friends and take it in turns to pick where to go and what to do.
· DO SOME BATCH COOKING: you will buy yourself more time during the week and feel more organised by preparing your food in advance. Why not adding in a new recipe every week to keep things fresh? Try my meal planner here and read about how I do my batch cooking.
· HAVE SOME DOWN TIME: don’t fill up every second of the weekend because you feel you have to. Sometimes doing nothing is best for your body and your mind. Allow yourself time to potter, read, listen to music, walk the dogs – whatever you want to do!
Have any of these ideas given you some inspiration? Which appeals to you the most? Select a couple and give them a go. Let me know how you get on!