Let’s Go Green: How to Manage Waste at Home Effectively

The concept of recycling came into being almost forty years ago. But to many people, recycling often conjures up bottle drives and blue plastic bins.
Most major companies have become a part of the problem, as they tend to use recycling as a way of shaking their responsibility towards dealing with their packaging issues. But the reality is that recycling scrap metal is a source of prosperity, a design principle, a source of creativity, and a law of nature.
For those looking to go green while at the same time trying to stay clear of all corporate sponsored recycling initiatives, this guide should present a good starting point:
1. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle the Ferrous Metals
This is one aphorism that has been used so many times that it should now apply without any saying. Try and keep your electronics, computers, and cellphones for as long as you can. If you must get rid of those ferrous metals, consider responsibly recycling them when that time comes. Alternatively, donate or gift them to a friend or loved one.
Electronic waste contains mercury and a large number of other toxics. As technology continues to evolve and advance, E-waste continues to become a major environmental problem around the globe. Therefore, try as much as you can to keep your unused and out of date electronics out of the trash bin.
2. Learn What You Can and Cannot Recycle
The best way to protect yourself and the environment against household hazardous materials is to ensure that you read up on the local recycling rules. The rules will help you get an idea of what you can recycle and what you cannot recycle.
It is a great way to make sure that you will not send in anything that cannot get processed. Often, you will find that each city will have set rules on what to do. Try and follow the guidelines provided by the city.
Also, note that there is a difference between green-washed recycling and real cycling. Knowing the difference between the two will go a long way into helping save the environment
3. Collection and Disposal of Waste at Home and Community
Knowing what to collect or dispose of while at home or around the community can really aid the go green efforts. Here, you will need to learn how to do without your bottled water.
Instead of choosing to purchase bottled water, consider using a water filter at home to purify your tap water. It is no secret that bottled water is expensive—additionally, it also aids in generating tons of container waste in the community.
You could choose to use a reusable water bottle. Where possible, opt for a reusable aluminum water bottle as opposed to using a plastic one. You can use this bottle when at work or even when traveling.
4. Recycle Your Greenery
Recycling your greenery is a great first step towards learning how to manage your home waste. Waste can generally be categorized into two main categories: biological nutrients and technical nutrients.
Biological nutrients are nutrients which can readily and safely be decomposed back into the soil once they reach the end of their useful lives. Composting is an efficient and safe method of recycling home waste. Your kitchen waste and garden cuttings can be placed in an indoor or outdoor composter.
5. Anticipate Recycling
One important aspect of home garbage management requires you to anticipate your recycling needs. Apart from purchasing goods that have already been recycled, you will need to always be on the lookout for goods that can easily be recycled.
If looking to purchase something that is already packaged, try to think of ways you can make use of the packaging materials. For instance, you could return it to the shipping store for future reuse or try to recycle it at home.
If you want to get something that is likely to break down over time, go for something that you can upgrade or cannibalize for parts in the future. Be choosy and select a model that you will not have to get rid of in its entirety once it has outlived its usefulness.
The Takeaway
When it comes to going green, there is a need to ensure that you do not hold onto things that you do not like, just for the sake of it. There are very many charities that will be more than happy to receive your donations. Therefore, if you do not like a certain product, feel free to let it go.
This guest post was brought to you by Riya
Riya is an inspired writer writing in several areas of expertise. With spending her years working marketing communication, Riya is delighted to work with aspiring small business owners. Connect with Riya on Twitter, @sanderriya.
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