Think Happy Thoughts!

Sometimes we can get so caught up in the day to day tasks and forget what is actually going on in our life. Try to make time to acknowledge and appreciate what you have – you may surprise yourself!
So today I was driving around in my car and realised how bliddy happy I actually was. Over the past few weeks I have been feeling a little anxious, not being sure of my direction and feeling generally a little lost. This is a normal feeling when you own your own business but it had been really getting me down.
So instead of continuing to feeling like that I decided to do something about it – I talked to people, had a lot of internal dialogue with myself and journaled the shit out of it.
Do you know what I found out? I realised that if that was all I had to worry about I was in a pretty good bloody place.
Rewind a couple of years ago and I would have given anything to be where I am now.
I said for years “I would love to own my own business and be able to work on what I want to work on… imagine that” But deep down I never thought I would get it – because I never had the guts.
I have spent my life with both myself and others putting unrealistic expectations on my shoulders and I am notorious for being too hard on myself.
So this week I decided – NO MORE!
The last 18 months I have pulled myself out of some really tough mental holes and barriers, built three businesses from scratch and have done pretty much all of it by myself.
So for once I am going to pat myself on my bloody back!
The words domain, SEO, acquisitions, analytics, affiliates, hosting, and widgets are now part of my everyday language. I build websites, I produce podcasts, record and edit videos, design graphics, help people build their own businesses as well as my own.
18 months ago I hardly knew what any of these things were or how to do them – now I make money from it – because I HAD to work it out. I had no choice.
Now all I need is my notebook and my laptop.
So from this week onwards, I am going to be proud of myself – I have done things I never thought I could do and yes I may have some shitty days like everyone, but when I think about how far I have come – I feel amazing.
And no – I am not embarrassed about praising myself – I should have done it a long time ago!
I am in a place now where I am working on things I WANT to work on and I CHOOSE to work on. I have one business that pays the bills and the other two fill my passion areas whilst also making me money. I get to spend more time than I ever have with my family, watching my baby girls grow and most importantly I get to look after myself as if I don’t do that, my girls don’t have the life they deserve.
I remember Annabelle asking me why I used to cry all the time a couple of years ago, which broke my heart.
Now instead of crying everyday thinking about going somewhere I hate, I wake up with a spring in my step and get to work putting my heart and soul into my work.
This is the lifestyle I have wanted for so long, I just didn’t realise I had it until this week. A lifestyle that allows me to be with my family and ultimately allows ME TO BE ME. So who cares if I am not clear on my strategy just yet – that is coming.
For now, I am going to be just happy where I am and focus on how bloody exciting life is right now and the possibilities that are ahead of me.