6 Ways To Release the Stress of Back to School Week!

Get your kids ready and raring to go (as well as yourself!) for the new term with these practical tips and ideas.
Who here gets a little stressed at the start of the new school year? Hands up!
Don’t worry – we all do.
It can be overwhelming with all of the new schedules, getting up early, making sure the kids have got changed, got their PE kit and their packed lunch…. and that’s just the half of it!
Here are 6 little tips that will make a BIG difference.
1. Set The Table
Get ready for the morning rush by setting the table for breakfast the night before. Make sure your dishwasher has been set and you have enough clean pieces of crockery and cutlery – there is nothing worse than running out of spoons when you want your Frosties in the morning 🙂
2. After School Snacks
Kids are often hungry after school – mine definitely are! So make sure you are stocked up on healthy snacks that you can grab when they are back in the house. I have a drawer with dividers, dedicated to the kids healthy snacks that is easily accessible to them (the naughty ones are out of reach!)
3. Make Time To Talk
I know it can be difficult but try and carve out time with your child to allow them to open up about their day. Perhaps on the walk/drive back from school or even at bedtime? This allows your child to see that you are interested in what they have been up to, and they may open up about any issues or concerns they may be having. If you need some inspiration on how to connect with your child check out this post here.
4. Homework Time
Try and create a routine around homework. I find that because they know when to expect it and what is happening afterwards it allows them to go with the flow, rather than fight it. Make a space for them to study that is free from distractions like the TV, smartphones, tablets (and younger siblings!). I would also recommend you don’t do homework when they are too hungry or tired – it will take 10 times as long and be quite painful I assure you haha!
5. Speedy Suppers
Get into the habit of meal planning for the week ahead. Instead of rushing around during the week trying to work out what you are eating, what you need to buy and last minute prep – plan and prepare at the weekend and you will be guaranteed to succeed, allowing you to eat healthier and save you money and time. Check out this blog post on how to meal plan. I even have a downloadable meal planner which you can get right here.
6. Remember The Essentials
At the start of the Summer Holidays, make a list of everything you will need for the new school year – so you will have no last minute shocks of things you have forgotten. Or if you are like me and you have more than one child of the same sex, pull out the old school uniforms, check the quality and wash and iron in preparation.
With a little bit of advance thought and prep you will have a super smooth Back to School week I assure you <3