12 Must-Read Minimalism Blogs 2018

“The most important thing is, to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do.” -Kobe Bryant
We have to learn new things to be inspired and be motivated to pursue the path we chose. To be successful our mind and heart should be in good shape and on a track to learn and observe how happy & successful people achieve what they do. So, with that in mind, who is not excited to read new blogs from a bunch of creative minimalist-living people?
Here are 12 blogs you may want to check out:
This is mainly about personal growth, capsule wardrobe, and self-care as a minimalist.
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Jessica Dang shares a portion of her life by writing everything she learned when she was still in search of what happiness really means for her.
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Courtney Carver is the brain behind Project 333. She is a speaker and blogger who believes that simplicity is the way back to love.
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4. Un-Fancy
Caroline Joy Rector brings her intentional mindfulness to her style that every minimalist envies. Her capsule wardrobe with 37 pieces is impeccable.
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Francine Jay is the author of The Joy of Less: A Minimalist Guide to Declutter, Organize, and Simplify. She shares her intentions to help us eliminate the distractions that keep us from appreciating life in general. She firmly believes that minimalism is not just an aesthetic feature and but is more of an overall being.
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Brooke McAlary is a huge believer in slow living and it’s healthy benefits of it to our mind and body. She’ll inspire you with her simplicity inspired slow living.
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Dana Shultz is the girl behind Minimalist Baker who has a deep love for recipe experimentation and the food photography process.
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8. Zen Habits
Dive in and ENJOY!
“Every time I watch someone’s dedication, I get inspired.” Jacqueline Fernandez