Work With Me
On this page you will find three different options – choose which one sounds most like you and I will take you to a page that has free resources and paid services to help you move forward on your next stage of decluttering!
What help do you need?
“I am constantly hurrying from one thing to the next and when I slide into bed at night, tired but wired, I feel trapped, unsatisfied and like I never get enough done
…I know there has got to be more…
If something doesn’t change soon, I fear I might reach breaking point – but I don’t know where to start in simplifying my life!”

I am ready to declutter my home, help me get started!
“I am so tired of feeling overwhelmed and stressed by the amount of “stuff” in my home. I seem to spend so much time cleaning up instead of enjoying your life!
I know I need to declutter but I am not sure the best way to do it and how to get started….
….plus I find it really hard to part with things! I need help to reclaim my home and my space!”

I am ready to organise my schedule, help me get started!
” I am so sick of spending so much of my time doing my ‘to-dos’ instead of enjoying my life and spending quality time with my family….
My to-do list and calendar are so busy and even everyday activities make me feel so overwhelmed.
I need help to regain control of my days and reduce those never ending distractions!”