Choosing Calm Over Chaos
I am Hayley, mother, wife, entrepreneur and simple life lover dedicated to helping you on your journey to living a simple life through the power of decluttering!
Decluttering Saved My Life
I remember the day so vividly. I felt nothing – completely blank. I was so utterly fed up of feeling overwhelmed, anxious and stressed. I was stuck in this daily cycle of work, cleaning and a never-ending to-do list. There was so much to do and yet I didn’t feel like I was getting anything out of it.
I was so lost in my own head, I couldn’t see my family right in front of me giving me so much love and joy. I was in a pit of despair and I couldn’t see any way out. This particular day was the day I was planning on how to take my own life.
Despite this day being my darkest, a bolt of lightning appeared right after that moment and I truly believe it was for a reason. I struggle with my mental health and have had suicidal thoughts a lot in my life, but nothing quite like this – I was planning it very matter of a fact like I knew it had to be done. That shocked me. Then just at that moment, I heard the word that would change everything.
Of all things this was part of a celebrity interview I was watching on YouTube to try and distract myself from my spiralling thoughts. You can see the full story here in my most popular blog post – The Day Captain America Save My Life – yeah you heard that right!
That answer he gave to a standard question was so simple but it encompassed so much to me. It told me that there was a way out of this. I was so lost in my own mind I was distracting myself from saving myself – I just needed to slow down and allow myself to heal by making sure these distractions were no longer there.
I researched, I experimented and found a way to rid my life of anything that did not need to be there.
I decluttered my possessions, my relationships, my commitments – my WHOLE life – and guess what?
My life became MORE the moment I focused on LESS.
Now I am a happy woman, a happy wife, a happy mammy and most importantly I am living a life I am proud to have.
That is what I want for you.
You don’t need to be feeling as bad as I did for decluttering to make a massive impact in your life. Make a change now before it gets to that!
I knew I could find Simple Joy again – and you can too – no matter where you are now.

Let’s slow down and simplify your hectic life – from decluttering your home, reducing your to-dos, to focusing your day to day lifestyle on your key values.
My mission is to help you live a more time rich and joyful life!
I know you live in a beautiful home, have a successful job and a loving family, BUT you are TIRED. Tired of running from one thing to the next and trying to complete a never ending to do list. Life feels like Groundhog day. The same thing over and over again…..
You need someone who can help you to start living a simpler, more joyful life where you are more time and energy rich!
You will finally be able to spend quality time with your loved ones, take care of yourself and find your zest for life again!
Simple living with a young family in this over connected world is not impossible and I can show you how.
I run 1:1 sessions, workshops and mini courses to help you do just that! (coming soon!)

Simple Joy's Core Principles
I have been part of decluttering/minimalism community for a few years now and I have yet to find one that I feel fully represents my values (hence why I created my own!)
A lot of them seem to be focused on extreme minimalism, where they try to have as little as possible in their homes and their lives – some even seem to make it a competition with themselves.
I have always struggled to resonate with that concept.
I am 100% behind you if that is what you want to do – go for it! But it doesn’t work for me.
My house isn’t a stark, bare home with white walls and a single chair (like so many people think ha!) and it’s not even fit to be on the cover of a home magazine.
My house is lived in. It’s a family home which includes 2 young messy girls and 3 very hairy pets!
But its a streamlined, organised home that works for me, my husband and my girls.
That is what Simple Joy is about.
Having a home that feels like a sanctuary, that eases your anxiety and is a pleasure to relax in ❤
As Featured In...

10 Fun Facts About Me
I am a fragrance designer and have been for 16 years. I have been lucky enough to travel the world and have worked with some of the worlds best perfumers! (even Madonnas!)
I am fascinated by the meaning of life and the depths of space – could talk all day about those topics!
My favourite thing to do is to go for an autumn dog walk with my family and snuggle up and watch some Disney films.
I LOVE animals…. over the years I have had 1 gerbil, 4 hamsters, 4 dogs and a cat. I currently have 2 puppies (A Malshi rescue pup and a Golden Doodle pup), and 1 very handsome Siberian cat. Rescue all the way! Daisy the Malshi was rescued from a life on the street to a lovely bed in our home.
I am a big Mixed Martial Arts fan, I have even hosted a MMA seminar in the UK!
My favourite places in the world (apart from home) are Western Canada in the Rocky Mountains and NewYork/Boston. There is nothing better than a walk around North East USA in the autumn time!
I used to be in the theatre when I was young and wanted to go to performing arts school – my ultimate goal was to be in the West End. Circumstances meant that never happened but I am a true believer that life should be an everyday musical with chorus and jazz hands!
I have been in an earthquake and a hurricane and survived to tell the tale!
I have a degree in Forensic Science!
oh…. and I used to have a fear of bananas (don’t ask!)

Get To Know Hayley
Favourite Travel Spot: Banff, Alberta, Canada. Beautiful!
Can’t Live Without: My two beautiful girls + chocolate
Must Have Accessory: Slippers
Best Advice: Shhhhh……..
Describe yourself in one Word: Dreamer
Secret Talent: Organising anything anywhere!
What will you get?
A community of like minded simple life lovers
Free bi-weekly live video trainings
Priority access to all my upcoming trainings/courses!
Awesome right?!?