The Benefits a Yoga Retreat can have in our Daily Life

Life does bring you down in so many ways in both the literal and the metaphorical sense. Find out how a Yoga Retreat may be exactly what you need to rejuvenate yourself!
Have you ever felt that lingering pressure at the back of your mind your head of a million responsibilities, and just for a few moments you would like to let it all go and be the child you were once?
This ache in the head becomes so consistent that people learn to make peace with it and live with it as a part of them. Not long after that, that pressure and that ache starts to become a part of their identity. This is the process in which we lose the natural charm to our personalities; this is when we have lost track of ourselves. By losing our inner stillness that keeps us centered, we lose our true essence. And then when we lose our true essence, we lose our place in this big wide world.
And then you wonder why healing and breaks are so important for people? Healing is inherent to human nature, and our body is equipped to heal itself both inwardly and outwardly, all we need to give is all the time it needs to recover and rejuvenate. And the body has its ways of telling you that you need rest and composure, all you need to do is pause and put yourself first and listen… carefully.
Do not feel guilty to take a little break every now and then, because life is precious and we must do whatever it needs to be okay and naturally functioning. After all how long will you function on cans of beer, soda, caffeine and smoke?
Yoga is a fabulous way to unwind as it helps you reconnect with yourself in its each and every step. Yoga is a rejuvenating exercise that is gaining worldwide popularity for the plethora of benefits it brings to your footsteps. Decreased anxiety/ depression, stability, a sense of balance in the thoughts and contentment in your actions, a changed perception of treating yourself and everyone around you and so many integral health benefits follow the course of yoga practice.
Have you heard of yoga vacations? It’s a growing trend, where people attend authentic yoga retreats while on a break (vacation) on exotic destinations. For example Yoga retreat in Thailand is breathtakingly relaxing.
After a rejuvenating and intense yoga session fringed by palm trees, As you sip on your coconut water, feeling the ocean breeze of turquoise waters on your skin, and look at the long stretch of these paradise waters forming waves and that relaxing sound of the waves crashing against each other surround your ears; you will truly understand the importance of a pause in life.
But most people feel apprehensive about attending yoga retreats; here are reasons why yoga retreats are your best friend:
1. You learn to truly live in the present:
Yoga retreats are all about a lot of me time. This is when you are completely surrounded by people scenarios and situations that make you feel like you do not need to worry about the future and can live in the present. All the things that compose a retreat such as its classes, sessions, foods, therapies and activities are designed with you in the centre, taking the burden of planning things away from your mind. You have mind-space for living in what is, rather than worrying about what shall be…
2. The kinds of routines on a retreat are designed to calm the mind:
Now when you are on a retreat, your caretakers know that you are tired of the routine that you have to follow. Getting up daily at the same time eating food hastily and enduring the pressure of your work for the rest of the day and returning home just to sleep and take rest. It can really get hectic on your being to follow a routine so monotonous.
While on a retreat, the routines are devised keeping your health in the centre, you are to wake up at a healthy enough time to feel the freshest air of the entire day and perform yoga classes. The meditation classes that happen in the evening work to make a positive effect on the body and the mind. And you have the whole day to yourself.
3. Not just you, even your digestive system is on a break:
At a yoga retreat, the meals play an important role to maintain a healthy balance in the participant’s body. The meal is generally put together in a combination that will help your body receive all the necessary nutrients and energy, along with helping you with detoxifying all the unwanted in your system. The kind of food you will have will make you feel clearly healthier and fresher in your outlook towards everyday life, which will be very different from the kind that stress eating has caused your body to feel.
4. You grow personally each day, your time returns to a relaxing pace and you make friends who will support your journey:
Yoga retreats leave you so much time and space to be yourself unapologetically and to work on yourself as much as you want, this helps your personal growth as you have no more distractions to take this growth away from you. Time relaxes its urges for you. Daily life can demand for you to multi-task in a short amount of time and so your perception races with time. This totally ruins the natural pace of things, yoga retreats help you recall that relaxed pace of things. And all through the journey, you will make friends who have the same goal as you and who will support you with difficulties and issues, and these are the friends you make solely from the heart.
Yoga retreats are indeed a better way of holidaying and by the time you realize it, you would have enjoyed a vacation, on the budget of a retreat. So go ahead and rewind to the better times.
This guest post was brought to you by Manmohan Singh
Manmohan Singh is a passionate Yogi, Yoga Teacher and a Traveller in India. He organizes 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh. Manmohan Singh conducts Yoga Teacher Training in India in different cities. He loves writing and reading books related to yoga, health, nature, Himalayas and Trekking in India.
Manmohan Singh
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